Friday 23 November 2018

BBC Bitesize Test (modern journalism)

Score = 7 out of 8

Why have newspaper sales declined?

In the past 20 years, media and technology and progresses so rapidly that already, the number of hard copy newspaper sales have gradually dropped. Print sales have declined for a number of reasons, the main reason being technology and social media. With things like Facebook, Instagram, snapchat, twitter etc… news can be spread much faster and to a significantly larger audience of both larger age groups and locations around the world. So social media on its own is a worthy reason to why newspaper sales have decreased.
Another reason to which newspaper sales has decreased is online News websites. Since the late 1980s and early 1990s news papers began setting up their own online databases and websites to host their newspapers on the internet. To the current day, nearly all tabloid and broadsheet companies own their own website alongside the hard copy of their paper. This is another reason behind actual newspapers having a lower sale rate over the last 20 years.
However, although there has been a decline in news 'print' circulation, social media and technology together have allowed major newspaper companies to broaden their audience and send their name/reputation around the world.
Having newspapers online makes it easier for anyone to read to latest stories and headlines. For example if anyone is unable to access a hard copy, they can find the whole paper online. Furthermore, this allows for news to reach a younger audience alongside grownups and 'old agers'. As a result of this, the world as a whole can be made more aware of any political, conflict or citizen related news. Online news websites also provide other services beside articles and headlines, such as interactive features for all audiences and sub categories for all ethnicities, genders and interests (which can't always be found in a printed issue). Online newspapers overall seem more appealing than a printed copy, both pricewise and accessibility. Furthermore, television and the internet have enabled news to reach the consumer much faster and at a lower daily/weekly/annual price. This has also resulted in large newspapers like 'The Guardian, The Sun and The Daily Mail to lose revenue and subscription fees. This, alongside adverts, is the traditional main profit source for such companies. Online news and media requires much less to no payment at all, making newspapers seem like an added and now unnecessary expense in everyday life.
According to the BBC, some newspapers have declined by up to 28% since 2013.
According to the Guardian newspaper (Objective), the Daily Express for example sold an average of 391,626 each day in December 2016, which was 2.3% lower than the same month a year before.
Another example is the Daily Mail, which has a 'year on year' decrease in sales by 6.7%. Yet another case involving the "market leading" Sun, which sold 10.5% less in 2017 than it did 2016.
These statistics only support the fact that since the ever-improving online news websites have established, sales of hard copy newspapers have increasingly declined… and will undoubtedly continue to do so. 

Thursday 22 November 2018

The Guardian news values and target audience

- Traditionally, The Guardian focuses its attention towards a left-wing and middle class audience (any age above 18). The Guardian does well at including most cultures and ethnicities in its content/audience.

The Guardian is renowned for providing factual content and prompt updates (especially online) throughout its articles. As the target audience leans towards left-wing, the Guardian is mostly Objective (articles are not opinionated). However it does still provide an 'opinions' section in the paper.

- Since 2013, the number of visitors to 'The Guardian Online' has decreased from an average of 10,049 (2013) to 7,060 (2017)

The online mail viewing statistics for 2018: Female = 51%  /  Male = 49%

Daily Mail news values and target audience

- The Daily Mail is specifically aimed at an older target audience (50s and over). Statistically, females tend to use an online version of the mail, however males prefer a hard copy of the paper.

Online Mail viewing Statistics: Female = 51%   /   Male = 49%
Average online viewing time per person = 50 minutes

There are 3 Versions of this particular paper:
- Daily Mail
- Mail on Sunday
- Online Mail

The Daily Mail is renowned for being obsessed with the royal family (on every occasion).
This particular paper is mainly right-wing and strongly supports Brexit. It regularly consists of opinionated views, however publicises environmental campaigns.

The Guardian Case Study

The Guardian was first published in 1821.
It's not driven by profit and doesn't have a commercial owner - Scott trust

- Hoping to break even this year for the first time ever.
- Have reached 1 million subscribers this year.
- Hoping to break even this year for the first time ever. (2018)]
- Created a positive actions scheme to encourage ethnic minorities to break down barriers
  as the decision makers are white, male Oxbridge 'Home Counties types'.
- Proud of their Windrush coverage which was initially just one story and then grew to the extent that Amber Rudd had to resign. 
- Osama Bin Laden wrote a column in the Guardian as a one off.
- Wikileaks and Ed Snowden story gained recognition abroad.

Monday 19 November 2018

Newspaper Industry Research

 Who owns the Newspapers

  1. In the Executive Summary on page 2, paragraph 4 the overview identifies that: ‘today’s aggregate advertising expenditure and net circulation figures equate to about half of their 2007 value.’ Bullet point why you think this is the case.

  2. On page 7, the market structure is analysed using data provided by the ABC. Who are the ABC and why is their data collection so important for newspaper owners and advertisers?
    The ABC is the American Broadcasting Company...
  3. On pages 17-18, paragraph 2.14 the overview identifies the circulation figures of Sunday newspapers. Thinking about your set products and audience consumption, why do you think Sunday newspapers have traditionally sold more copies than their daily counterparts?
  4. What are the leading broadsheet, tabloid and mid-market tabloids in terms of circulation? What are their daily circulation figures?
  5. Think about The Guardian and the Daily Mail - describe their position in the marketplace.
  6. On page 12, the overview discusses how The Guardian is ‘owned by the Scott Trust, a private company whose core purpose is ‘to ensure the financial and editorial independence of The Guardian.’ How can this be linked with the news values of the newspaper?
  7. In terms of digital distribution, what do you think has been more important to the brand identity of national newspapers, the online website or App mobile platforms?
  8. On pages 25-26 the decline in ‘trust’ in newspapers is identified. Who is the offline and online regulator of the newspaper industry and how effective do you think they are in ‘policing’ the industry?
  9. On page 37, ownership of newspaper industry via mergers is charted form 2007 to 2018. What are the three reasons given as tow wy consolidation has helped newspapers as a declining media form?
  10. On page 45, how are platforms like Buzzfeed, Vice Media and The Huffington Post (The Huff Post) seen as a challenge to traditional newspaper industry online platforms?

Wednesday 14 November 2018

George Gerbner

George Gerbner's Cultivation Theory (The drip drip effect)

The repetition of images, stories etc... being to shape our beliefs. Below are stereotypical images surrounding these particular 'titles'.

Teenagers - Moody, lazy

Muslims - Religious, terrorism

Gypsies - Pikeys, dirty, cheating society

Americans - Fat, stupid, patriotic

Doctors - Safety, clean, well-educated

Girls from Essex - Orange, fake, chavvy

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Online Newspapers: Advantage and Disadvantages

Online Newspapers have both Advantages and Disadvantages. These are listed below:

- More Accessible
- No payment needed (normally)
- Clear format/layout
- Can find any newspaper you desire
- Reaches more customers
- More interactive
- Daily Telegraph, Financial Times, The Times
  (You have to pay for these, so the free ones may reach younger generations)
- Saves trees
- Easier to share
- Portable/no waste
- Latest live updates
- More interactive

- Might not have internet
- Bad for environment
- Online adverts popping up
- Irrelevant and possibly false content

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Broadsheets and Tabloids

A tabloid is normally full of opinions, and is crammed full of as many stories possible. The majority of these stories are ‘Soft News’ consisting of Sport, entertainment, fashion, celebrities, art and culture etc… . The layout of a Tabloid is less formal than a broadsheet, consisting of many colours, pictures and large fonts.
The font used for ‘The Sun’ logo is TheAntiqua Sun. Stories on the front cover are also written in larger font size, aiming to entice the reader inside the paper for the rest.
The Sun, for example, has multiple large pictures filling the front cover, one usually a celebrity, then a main ‘scandal’ and finally one or two side stories that aren’t relevant.

A broadsheet is usually the less opinionated paper and contains a larger amount of text on the front cover. The fonts used for The Guardian’s title is the original ‘Guardian Egyptian font’. Fonts used for front cover stories are also smaller, allowing more story to fit.
Broadsheets are the more objective papers and write about Hard News (politics, world news, conflict/war, crime etc…).
The layout of Broadsheets is also more formal. It consists of one main story on the front cover, surrounded by smaller yet still important news and photos.
Broadsheets are also typically less dramatic/colourful visually.

Comparison of 'The Papers'


Friday 19 October 2018

Teen Trust Advert

 What is an advert?
An advert is an announcement online, in a newspaper, TV, a poster about something such as a product, event or job. We use advertisement in order to address audiences on different topics.

Three similar examples of charity adverts;
- Child-line
- John Lewis Christmas advert (for age)
- Save the Children

Audience - Child-line is a well-known advert used to target the younger generation, in order to give them confidence to speak out about mental illnesses or abuse aimed at them or people they know. The organisation is a non-profit company whose main purpose is the development of society and ensuring people feel safe and protected - as their own rights. 'Child', being the key word, clearly shows that it is targeted at the younger generation.

Language - The advert uses persuasive language to present the genre and what is being talked about. The bullying and affects of abuse are being shown through the tone of voice, setting the tone for the audience to watch. There are topics used in the advert that would be controversial such as the stereotypes of backgrounds, gender, looks, race or religion. The main purpose is to address discrimination and how people can be separated for the wrong reasons.

Representation - Teenage school pupils are being used to present the feelings of children who need help. By doing this, it shows the audience that there are people out there in society who are similar to those watching the advert; and that by reaching out to 'Child-line', you can receive voluntary help from people with their best interests to help you.

John Lewis - "The man on the moon"
Audience - John Lewis want to engage the audiences' senses and emotions, placing themselves in the spirit of Christmas, as the season is starting. It is for a wide selected audience and wants to engage people in feeling sorry for the old man who's on the moon on his own. This will make the audience feel sorry for him and therefore go to John Lewis.
Language - "half the world away" is speaking literally when it is showing the man being on the moon and the young girl being on earth at home, looking through her bedroom window through a telescope. The balloons, presents and Christmas tree that is used as props in the advert shows that John Lewis provides a variety and these objects all symbolize Christmas and love - the aim being that love is everywhere. It is very contagious and encouraging. The soft music is easy to listen to, fits with the theme. the camera shots vary; extra long shot to show the lonely man on the moon (isolated from society), extreme close up of the girls face when she is happy she has cared for the man. You can see the eyes as a close up. the girl is happy and the man is crying from joy.

Representation - Presented in the advert is an old man and a young girl. Old people have connotations of being sweet and innocent. Sometimes people do community or volunteer work to help old people, so the fact that the old man is sat on his own and doesn't his wife, shows an empathizing screen. the young girl is reaching out to the old man which draws on the viewer's heart strings. The overall message is to say that everyone is loved and that we should show people the love with have for each other.

Save the Children - One Child
Audience - Save the Children use their charity to inspire people with the positive work done, whilst also connecting the audience to the stories of children left behind. They wanted to reach those people who were prepared to help them give aid to the most vulnerable children. The rhetorical questions are used to get the audiences' attention - they want people to see the pain that the children are put through and to question what they can do to help.

Language - persuasive language and graphic images are displayed to show the pain the children are facing. Included in the advert are skinny African babies crying and in pain which isn't nice to see as a viewer, but the thought of not helping makes the viewer feel bad. There is slow soft music and close up images suggest the intensity.

Representation - the African children are being represented in their homes or with parents with limited food and shelter. They are helpless and are not shown to be as fortunate as people in England.

Abused, Juniors, League, Entrustment

Abused, juniours, league and entrustment stands for the children and teens that are abused mentally and physically as a result of bullying at school. The charity is a trusted volunteered company that supports and addresses the problems people are facing. Providing confidence to those that feel they don't have a voice to speak out against the bullies; contact details and services are offered in the duration of the advert.

AJEL - The reason behind using these letters as the title is that AJEL are the beginning letters of the members of the group... Anjelica, Jonah, Ella and Louis.

Job roles:
Anjelica - actor
Jonah - editor and camera work
Louis - actor and camera work
Ella - blogger


> Soft music in the background throughout the advert alongside text talking about the charity 'teen trust'

Scenes (Chronological):

1 - Empty drama studio (dark)
2 - Empty classroom (dark)
3 - Empty playground (dark)
4 - Louis walking through link corridor. Shows writing on arms.
5 - Louis sitting on ground outside against wall.
6 - Shot of Louis walking into class slow motion. Group of 3 people staring in background.
7 - Louis walks through the corridor with 'loser' and 'ugly' written up his arms
8 - Anjelica shouts at Louis calling him names and walking away
9 - Anjelica and Louis 'loser' clip. They are standing next to each saying the word at the same time
10 - Louis is sitting in the dark, with a shadow behind his head and someone is holding his hand. Text overlapping this clip says 'there are other people like him too...'
11 - Fat written on Anjelica's neck and Louis can see he isn't the only one
12 - Wipes 'UGLY' off of arm, but it has stained. Written over the clip 'words stain'
13 - 'I'm Sorry' clip in slow motion - a tissue being dropped in the bin... written over the clip 'we need to acknowledge people around us. It doesn't hurt to be kind

Monday 8 October 2018

Industries Glossary


Brand Identity - The image a company constructs for itself through the use of logos, slogans and other marketing tools to appeal to an audience.

Cross Platform - The appearance of a media text on one or more platforms. E.G. Advertising a commercial on TV, Newspapers, films on the web.

Endorsement - The act of supporting or backing something; celebrity endorsement is often used in advertising to sell a product.

Ethos - The purpose, attitude and beliefs of a person or an organisation.

Media convergence - When audiences use one platform to consume various types of media texts.

Media Format - A media format refers to whether the content is video, audio, print based, or a combination such as a website or video game. 

Friday 5 October 2018

Jaffa Cake trailer remake.


This is a remake of the 'Jaffa Cake' advert made on Premiere Pro. To achieve the final look, we used color and contrast grading as well as image overlaying and opacity mapping.

Friday 28 September 2018


Screen time
Order of Narrative
Special Effects


Diegetic/non Diegetic
On screen/off Screen
Voice over

Emaze Presentation

Powered by emaze

On this Emaze project, I incorporated C.L.A.M.P.S to analyse these poster prints.


Claude Levi Strauss (French anthropologist)
Image result for claude levi strauss

Binary Opposition theory:

Binary opposites help to thicken the plot and further the narrative/bring contrast. For example, in a superhero film this would be 'good' vs 'evil'. A problem with binary opposites is that they may sometimes perpetuate negative stereotypes. For example, if the binary opposite was 'man' vs 'woman', the man may be portrayed to be 'strong' whereas the woman is the 'damsel in distress'. It is important to see how these stereotypes have changed in media forms over time.

In structuralism, binary opposition is thought to be the fundamental organizer of human philosophy, language and culture.

However, critics have suggested that everything has a 'medium'
alongside an opposite. For example:
-For rich and poor, there is Middle Class.
-For gay and straight, there is Bisexual.

Monday 24 September 2018

Boyz N' the Hood analysis

Mise En Scene:

C- 80s/90s youth clothing. However no brands.
L- Most lighting is natural outdoor lighting. Lighting in school is also white. (neutral so far)
A- Majority of screen time actors are children. Adults are involved also (Teacher and parent).
M- There is no apparent makeup on scene.
P- The Cane used in school represents authority/racism over children. The 'stop' sign in the first shot of the film represents the inside message towards racism.
S- An American street/hood. Black community. Poorly treated roads and un-interesting classroom.


M- 80s synth sounds, however for the most there is no music.
C- Moments in the clip contain parallel music.
D- Both Diegetic and non diegetic. E.g. gunshots
V- There is only a voice-over at the beginning (talking and shouting over opening title).
E- There is subliminal anger/tension.
D- There is dialogue in every scene. This is mostly conversations between characters.


S- The children characters have the most screen time. (walking to school, alley scene, school)
T- All transitions are realistic. No dissolves or fades etc...
O- The order of story and narrative is chronological.
P- So far, all scenes are at a normal regular pace. (No tension)
S- Gunshot sounds can be heard in the alley scene.



Thursday 20 September 2018

Practice editing on Premiere Pro


This is practice footage made on Premiere Pro. The video is made up of certain clips accompanied by music (Grand Master Flash).
I have inserted text at the beginning and middle of the clip, and visual effects too. These visual effects consist of vertical and horizontal mirroring.

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Semiotics: Posters

Image result for stranger things poster            Denotations:

- Moonlit sky
- Police officer
- 3 boys on bikes
- Worried boy
- Character with baseball bat
- Illuminated figure
- Restricted fencing/area
- Blue and Red tones


- Thriller/adventure
- Sci-fi
- Possible conflict
- Good and Evil
- Youth working with Adults

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Key Words

      Vocabulary and Abbreviations

. Hybrid - The combination of two genres (e.g. Rom-Com and Action).
. Semiotics - A way of understanding any Media Text (meaning behind a picture)
. Denotation - What we see when we look at an image.
. Connotation - What you take/understand from the image.

Steve Neale

       Steve Neale

. Steve Neale stated that genres may be dominated by repetition, but are also marked by difference, variation and change.

Friday 7 September 2018

Intro to A level Media

L- (One shot camera movements) (Classic music from 1978/creepy) (Orange and dark colour grading) (Kids in background to make the killer seem out of place) (Halloween themed costumes) (Horror/gore makeup)

I- Film production/Hollywood. Halloween film franchise. Michael Myers mask.

A- Targeting older age groups (18 plus). 

R- No class or particular ethnicity involved. Battle between genders as the killer is male but the majority of victims in trailer are female. Majority of significant characters are adult. 
Trailer expresses intense mood (Thriller). Set in Haddonfield, Illinois (original 1978 location). Message= Killer is back. Protagonist aims to finish off the killer...


Media Forms:           L- language                                Top 3 forms and Texts:             
- Television               I- industry                                       - Netflix (Mind hunter)           
- Games                    A- audience                                     -
- Newspaper             R- representation
- Magazine
- Film
- Internet


Image result for film postersSummer task 1.

Blade Runner 2049 poster-

This poster clearly represents the two main characters and
their status role in the film (good/bad). The poster is split
into two different colours to symbolizing possible teams.      Each character is also holding a pistol, suggesting that there will be rivalry in the film. Placing the 4 characters in the center of the poster confirms that these are the 4 important characters of the film. The text font used is a futuristic style to represent the time period. 


Summer task 2.

Deutschland 83 Trailer Analysis -

The camera movements incorporated in this trailer are quickly paced and change a lot. The majority of shots are either close ups, medium shots or long shots of the main character shown. Alongside this the music composed also has a fast tempo, contributing to the increase in action throughout the trailer.
Props such as handguns, briefcases and balaclavas suggest that the series involves possible spy action and conflict. German uniforms can also be seen worn by the main character and background characters to set the time period.
The majority of the trailer is narrated by Ronald Reagan's informing speech. At 34 seconds in, the shot cuts to a TV broadcasting of Reagan giving his speech. The director has done this to confirm the time period of the series.


Summer task 3.
Image result for trump newspaper cover

Representation -

This is a negative representation towards Trump. It conveys him as a clown with face paint and a red nose, telling people the opposite message to what he wanted. The 'DAILY NEWS' has configured a story about Trumps actions in GOP ring into an iconic front cover. This cover is negative as it creates a false ego for trump around the world, and gives him jester like qualities. (It persuades to world to take Trump less seriously.)


Summer task 4.

Who is the big six? -

The big six refers to the 6 main film producing companies based around the world (Universal, Warner Bros, 20th Century Fox, Paramount, Sony pictures/Columbia and Disney Studios).
However the 'Big Six' may soon become the 'Big Five' as Disney plans on buying 20th Century fox to form a partnership or one joint company.
The 'Big Six' currently hold 80-85% of the US and Canadian box office revenues.

                       Largest production for each company 2017/18

Warner Bros: Wonder Woman 2017
                      Cast- Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Robin Wright.
                      Budget/Box office- $120 million / $821 million

Universal: Jurassic World 2 - 2018
                     Cast- Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Jeff Goldblum.
                     Budget/Box office- $120 million / $710 million

Paramount: Mission Impossible Fallout 2018
                     Cast- Tom Cruise, Henry Cavill, Rebecca Ferguson.
                     Budget/Box office- $178 million / $726 million

20th Century Fox: Deadpool 2 - 2018
                     Cast- Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin, Zazie Beetz.
                     Budget/Box office- $110 million / $734.2 million

Sony/Columbia: Jumanji 2017
                     Cast- Dwayne Johnson, Karen Gillan, Kevin Hart.
                     Budget/Box office- $90 million / $404 million

Disney: Black Panther 2018
                     Cast- Chadwick Boseman, Michael B Jordan, Lupita Nyong'O.
                     Budget/Box office- $200 million / $1.34 billion

Paul Gilroy Theory

Paul Gilroy's Representation theory (post colonialism) is the idea that colonialism from the 1500s-1900s still exists/is present in the ...