Monday 24 September 2018

Boyz N' the Hood analysis

Mise En Scene:

C- 80s/90s youth clothing. However no brands.
L- Most lighting is natural outdoor lighting. Lighting in school is also white. (neutral so far)
A- Majority of screen time actors are children. Adults are involved also (Teacher and parent).
M- There is no apparent makeup on scene.
P- The Cane used in school represents authority/racism over children. The 'stop' sign in the first shot of the film represents the inside message towards racism.
S- An American street/hood. Black community. Poorly treated roads and un-interesting classroom.


M- 80s synth sounds, however for the most there is no music.
C- Moments in the clip contain parallel music.
D- Both Diegetic and non diegetic. E.g. gunshots
V- There is only a voice-over at the beginning (talking and shouting over opening title).
E- There is subliminal anger/tension.
D- There is dialogue in every scene. This is mostly conversations between characters.


S- The children characters have the most screen time. (walking to school, alley scene, school)
T- All transitions are realistic. No dissolves or fades etc...
O- The order of story and narrative is chronological.
P- So far, all scenes are at a normal regular pace. (No tension)
S- Gunshot sounds can be heard in the alley scene.



1 comment:

  1. Distinct will cover the genre and with mise en scene describe the size and movement of shots so they can go together in your analysis.


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