Tuesday 6 November 2018

Broadsheets and Tabloids

A tabloid is normally full of opinions, and is crammed full of as many stories possible. The majority of these stories are ‘Soft News’ consisting of Sport, entertainment, fashion, celebrities, art and culture etc… . The layout of a Tabloid is less formal than a broadsheet, consisting of many colours, pictures and large fonts.
The font used for ‘The Sun’ logo is TheAntiqua Sun. Stories on the front cover are also written in larger font size, aiming to entice the reader inside the paper for the rest.
The Sun, for example, has multiple large pictures filling the front cover, one usually a celebrity, then a main ‘scandal’ and finally one or two side stories that aren’t relevant.

A broadsheet is usually the less opinionated paper and contains a larger amount of text on the front cover. The fonts used for The Guardian’s title is the original ‘Guardian Egyptian font’. Fonts used for front cover stories are also smaller, allowing more story to fit.
Broadsheets are the more objective papers and write about Hard News (politics, world news, conflict/war, crime etc…).
The layout of Broadsheets is also more formal. It consists of one main story on the front cover, surrounded by smaller yet still important news and photos.
Broadsheets are also typically less dramatic/colourful visually.

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