Wednesday 18 September 2019

Paper 1 Section 1

Paper 1

Section 1 - News

Q1. Representation, 2 unseen texts, apply a Representation theory.
   (Hall, Gauntlett, Bell Hooks, Butler, Van Zoonen, Gilroy.)

Q2. Media Language on same unseen texts. (LAYOUT, colours, pictures, font, size etc...)

Q3. Audience - GUARDIAN and DAILY MAIL. (online, examples of articles etc...)

Q4. Theory. "Evaluate the usefulness of......theory". Guardian and Daily Mail (and others).


- Class
- Ethnicity
- Religion
- Gender
- Political Views
- Audience
- Patriotism

(Point): The Mirror chooses to represent the cultural issue of gender through the choice of image on the front page. It depicts Theresa May, the female PM on the day of the 2017 General Election.

(Evidence): The Tabloid has printed a full colour, low angle closeup which bleeds to the edge of the page.

(Explain): The low angle shot has subverted the usual convention of tabloid imagery. Hall's theory suggests that the 'code' of low angle shot would empower the subject (Theresa May). However, this photograph undermines her authority, making her look unattractive, flawed and ridiculous. The representation of May as a female here also subverts Hall's theory of representation, as she does not fit the generic stereotype of the 'attractive' woman. Hall's theory is more in evidence in the Daily Mail (surprisingly) as she is looking repectable, open and positive.

Monday 9 September 2019

Big News and Current Events

After resigning in 2016, David Cameron no longer possessed the title of Prime Minister.
Teresa May took over as PM from Cameron up until June 2019, when Boris Johnson (current PM) was elected for the role.
Furthermore, Jeremy Corbyn has successfully fought to the top of politics by running a disciplined Labour Party and campaigning against the not so unskilled Teresa May and Conservatives. Corbyn has also been voted for by the majority of Youth partakers across the country.

Royal Family:
The most important royal news (apparently) was the Queen's 90th birthday April 21st 2016. Surrounding this have been 2 major weddings: William and Kate then Harry and Meghan. Since the 2 weddings, both couples have had a total of 4 children who have all been the centre of attention in royal media.

There have been various shocking acts of terror and hatred both inside and out of the UK.
Westminster Bridge Attack - 22nd March 2017 / 52-year-old Khalid Masood Drove into pedestrians.
London Bridge Attack - 3rd June 2017 / Terrorist vehicle rammed into pedestrians... stabbings also.
Finsbury Park Mosque - 19th June 2017 / Van driven into pedestrians... 1 death and 9 casualties.
Manchester Arena - 22nd May 2017 / Suicide bomb attack at Ariana Grande concert. 800 casualties.
Jo Cox Murder - 16th June 2016 / Stabbed and shot multiple times in Birstall. (Labour Party member)

Syrian War - Has been active for 7 years (15th march 2011). Since then, more than half of the Syrian population have been forced to flee their homes, majority ending up in neighbouring countries like Turkey. Due to this, most Syrian children are missing out on any form of Education.
The war has lasted longer than WW2.
The conflict arose due to complications and opposition between the Syrian Arab Republic led by President Bashar Al-Assad and internal/external foreign forces against the government.

UK Issues:
Grenfell More than 200 firefighters and 40 fire engines responded to the fire at the 24-storey block in North Kensington, after it was reported at 00:54 BST (23:54 GMT 14th June 2017).
Upraw was created by the government's lack of money and funding towards proper safeguarding and repair for the victims... and other similar properties. Large protests and related scandals arose.
NHS - Multiple strikes and protests have occurred since the early 2000's due to lack of pay rise and treatment towards the NHS foundation. Incidents and scandals surrounding the mistreatment of patients and quality of service by the NHS have caused pressure and financial stress within the hospital industry.
BREXIT - Since 2016, the Brexit vote has caused Extreme anger across the UK and its residents. The deal was aimed to separate the United Kingdom from the European Union with a successful deal. Since the vote, two Prime ministers have endured the pressure of a term in Downing Street. Boris Johnson is currently undergoing attempts to delay the finalisation yet again.
Trump visit/election - The news has also spent a fair amount of months focused on President Trump and his new found relationship with UK Prime ministers. The famous Trump visit (2nd time) early 2019 caused protest and took over more important stories within the media.
Immigration -
Stabbings/attacks - In 2017/2018, the number of Stabbings/acid and armed attacks in London and close areas rose exceptionally. More than 24 victims/youths had their lives taken, normally as a result or link to postcode wars. The increase of 22% in knife crime has caused protests and schemes set up to try and make changes.

Friday 21 June 2019

Daily Mail and The Guardian

Daily Mail:
- 2 articles displayed on front cover.
- 2 Images for main article and small sub-article.
- Extra large Headline in the centre.

The Guardian:
- 5 articles displayed on front cover.
- Same amount of images but much smaller.
- Small Headline.
- Stories positioned all around the border of front page.

NewsPaper Questions

Who owns the papers?
Circulation figures for the print version of this newspaper? 
What are the browsing figures for the online version of this newspaper? 
In what ways does the website try to mimic the print edition of the newspaper? 
Who advertises in the print edition of this newspaper? 
Who advertises on the online site of this newspaper?
ONLINE NEWS: OBS or screen record on your phone today’s Daily Mail and Guardian (worth noting the time of day as it will look quite different that evening) type up or voiceover your findings. Upload onto youtube. Look at home page, links, images chosen, main articles, choice. Any interesting representations? Any interesting audience contributions to the articles? Scroll down to see how the Guardian is asking for contributions. 
Then go onto their social media (you may have to use your phones for these) – what articles have they chosen? What is the most popular topic today? How do the audience contribute in their comments.
For revision you will need to compare print and online editions and you shall note why you think there are differences between the print and online editions of the newspapers. How much is due to the technology itself.

Friday 3 May 2019

Music Video Essay

   “Music videos reflect the social and cultural context in which they were made”.
Discuss this statement through a comparison of the two music videos you have studied. One music video from list A (CBR) and one from list B (DG).

Both Titanium (David Guetta) and Stop Where you are (Corinne Bailey Rae) contain references to the cultural context that they are set within. However the two videos have different social aspects and focus on them by incorporating a variety of examples from the time period. The Music Video for 'Titanium' centres around a young boy with super-powers attempting to subvert the law enforcement for his own safety. The audience is able to tell that the setting for this video is mid 1980's due to props, clothing and scenery put to use (Mise En Scene). Strong examples for props representing this are; corded telephones, vintage police vehicles/uniforms, retro television set, stereotypical 80's American clothing… etc. The video also denotates old gender roles and possible child deprivation that would have been an existing problem for adolescence in the 1980's. This is portrayed by the lack of parents, furniture mess and Television still playing at the boys home (living on his own). Another example of how unequal gender roles in the 1980's are represented is the fact that Police and Swat in the story are all Male figures, but the school teacher is a 'helpless' female.
On the other hand, 'Stop Where You Are' depicts the story of not one person, but multiple figures within society during 2016. Theme's represented are; Judgement, stereotypes vs reality and appearances…
The video reflects homelessness and class with the collaboration of camera angles and props. A good scene to convey this is when a 'city business man' strolls past a homeless woman sat miserably on the concrete floor pleading at him for some change. Throughout this scene, the camera angle is high up so to look down upon the homeless woman. This also allows for her to be cast by the shadow and silhouette of the business man as he walks past. The aim of this camera shot is to represent how Homeless people are frowned upon and ignored by higher 'classes' in society. However, soon after this, a similar shot appears of the homeless woman, but the camera angle is at a lower height in line with the woman's shoulders. Her figure is no longer in the shadows, as the businessman appears again from out of shot to offer her a coffee and sit with her to chat. Corinne Bailey Rae has done this to represent what should be happening throughout society rather than what normally happens. The video portrays the 'Wide variety' of cultures that exist today but including different genders, ethnicities and clothing styles amongst the characters. 

Thursday 4 April 2019

Advertising Influences Essay

Analyse how social and cultural contexts can influence advertising. Use Fig 3 to support your answer.
In your answer you must:
  • Analyse how social and cultural contexts influence advertising.
  • Make judgements and reach a conclusion on why they advertised in this 
  • way.
  • Media, Language, Representation

Each one of these print adverts feature a closeup shot of a person (character) most likely suffering housing problems or even losing their home. The Advert reaches to both male and female by featuring both men and women on the prints. Each one of the actors display fatigue and concern, as their skin is a pale white with darkened bags under their eyes (cold). The font used is BOLD and covers most of the actor's face. Although the text is a blood red colour, it is partially transparent allowing for facial details such as wrinkles and blemishes to still be visible. This also portrays blood and fills the majority of the actor's eyes with red… symbolizing bloodshot eyes.
These are all foundation factors to current problems within society such as anxiety, depression, sleep deprivation and homelessness. Many companies, especially those surrounding these subjects, have chosen to incorporate major problems like these as violence and real life issues attract the attention of younger/middle age audience. Since TV has broadcasted scenes such as; live conflict, homelessness around the world and abuse etc… advertising has gradually followed along and used similar emotions to get their message out effectively.
However in some cases, advertisement companies use worse case scenarios with risks such as healthcare or… homelessness. This is a technique to persuade audiences to look into the company or what they offer in more detail.
Another way that social/cultural contexts influence advertising is by inserting popular trends or stories at the time, so that when someone was to browse the internet or social media for something on a related topic, they would most likely come across the Ad. Yet again society problems are a big topic currently. Recent advertisements may have used political figures or current celebrities within their 'print' or trailer to draw in customers or drip feed younger generations. This could further lead to a wider range of audience due to 'word of mouth' about an unordinary or even comical advert featuring the Prime Minister.
Adverts have a duty today like all other forms of media to try and include all types of ethnicity, gender and culture. The Shelter adverts have catered for both genders and involved different cultural backgrounds to emphasise that this kind of problem can occur in any household and effect Anyone.
Shelter's main message is that whether you are rich or poor, old or young, English or foreign, anybody can be a sudden victim of financial and housing problems. However this can be avoided and rectified if consulted with 'Shelter' early on.

Thursday 28 February 2019

R1BS essay

How is the BBC Radio 1 breakfast show reaching, targeting and encouraging audience interaction? 750 words
Use your headings from the presentation to guide you so for example a whole paragraph on social media with real examples of what they share and the same with radio one weekend or the Greg James slots or pass the pasty etc…


Since BBC radio 1 first aired, its biggest aim has been to encourage a larger audience interaction and popularity. The shows intended target audience is 15-29 year olds, however this differs slightly according to what is happening on the show. For example, the majority of content consists of popular/requested music tracks and interviews/casual chat with popular celebrities or current personalities.
The arrival of Nick Grimshaw was hoped to bring in an even larger amount of listeners to the show (especially due to his celebrity status and connection to younger audiences), however Grimshaw's appearance as the show's new host brought only a heavy rating fall… leading to the search for a new host for 2018.
The Radio One breakfast show was put in place to encourage audience interaction by involving audience participating quizzes and games. This includes the show's famous 'pass the pasty' which enables listeners to call in and answer or even talk directly to the DJ. This results in a closer relationship between the listeners and the show's team. Radio One also hosts numerous competitions throughout the year, in which prizes such as tickets to the Super bowl, or popular concert can be won. This allows Radio One to gain popularity and interest around the show, due to people wishing to participate in the giveaway.
The Breakfast show reaches out to its daily audience via many different platforms…Its most popular being the radio show. This Air can be hear across different media hosts such as a car/home radio, the BBC website, Radio One App, TV station and computers. However a good WIFI connection is always needed to access the show on your phone/app. On Radio One's social media platforms, The shows DJ is frequently active, allowing audience/listeners to find out live updates and join in with any activities.
The most popular and followed platform for Radio 1 is Youtube, on which they have 5.5 million subscribers, and more listeners daily. Radio One upload an average of 6/7 videos per week, consisting of a wide variety of content… from channel activities and crew footage, to interviews and collaboration videos featuring popular guest stars.
Across Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat, the station shares behind the scene videos/photos to distribute and advertise the show's uniqueness.

The Show attracts an average of 7.14 million listeners per week (with Greg James as host) compared to 5.7 million in 2018 (with Nick Grimshaw as host). This is due to Greg James' larger consideration of requests and audience input… to get an idea of what music and content people want to hear. By playing popular and requested songs at the time, BBC Radio One are able to attract even more listeners than in the past.
Another way Radio One are increasing the number of its listeners is by carrying on the Annual event 'Radio 1 Weekend'. This is when Radio one host a 4 venue festival/weekend concert featuring a wide and all time popular range of artists like Sam Smith, Craig David, Ed Sheeran etc… which is then brodacast on TV, BBC app and of course… Live Radio. 

Wednesday 27 February 2019


Minecraft – The Story of Mojang

The following two extracts are from the documentary Mojang: The Story of Minecraft which can be found in full on Youtube. Watch the extracts carefully and answer the questions.

A Youtuber’s experience (Interview with Ali-A (additional comments by …) . Time 24.34-33.56:

1) How many subscriptions does Ali-A have for his Youtube channel?
    16 million
2) How many years has he been doing this?
    2006 to present
3) Why did he start playing Minecraft?
    Because of request from fans, and because of the rapid success of Minecraft after being      released.
4) What does he say he is trying to do with his content?
5) Describe his average working day
6) Why might we watch Youtubers?
    To gain up to date information about trends on social media and to entertain interests.
7) What is Twitch and what is the average time spent on it by a viewer?
    Twitch is a live-stream platform, for which gamers and other screen recording users can distribute their video live globally.
8) How much do you estimate that Ali-A earns in a year? Go to to check your answer
    Estimate: £200,00 a year   / £160k-£2.6M a year

Microsoft’s purchase of Mojang (3.22-8.15) :
9) How much was Minecraft purchased for?
    Microsoft bought Minecraft for $2.5 billion.
10) What are 3 reasons behind Microsoft’s purchase?
a) Microsoft get rights and Ownership to the game.
b) A new huge source of revenue.
C) Expanding Microsoft advertising.
11) How might this affect the game?
     The Original intention and content within Minecraft can be altered without original owner's permission. However, it could also increase and widen the variety of players.
12) What is Minecraft’s biggest asset?
      Minecraft's biggest asset is that it hosts an infinite sandbox to create and visualise anyone's imagination. It is also age appropriate for all ages. There are no boundaries.

Tuesday 26 February 2019

R1BS audition and script

  • last 10 seconds of Sam Fender (That sound)
  • Sting sound
  • Grace: 'that sound' by Sam Fender, a great up and coming artist to watch out for …this year.'
  • Radio 1 intro sound.
  • Grace (with background music):'I'll quickly send you over to Louis for the latest updates… and whether or not we're gonna get some sun… I'd love to get outside… bring me sunshine…' 

  • Weather intro sound

  • Louis (with background music): 'Thanks Grace… no promises on that sun…
Top stories at the moment… A schoolgirl from London that fled to the Islamic State is trying to return to the UK… as you'd expect, big problems are stirring on what the rules are for her re-gaining British citizenship…
Prince Phillip has said Goodbye once and for all to his lifetime driving license… the Duke was driven to this after the recent collision, loads of people commenting and protesting about the termination of his license…
And just this morning, reports of a car ploughing into pedestrians outside a Primary school in Birmingham… possibly multiple casualties… were not quite sure of the extent right now.. but will update you ASAP…

'The Weather today… miserable… doesn’t look like you're gonna get that sun quite yet Grace… Its gonna be a cold week… however, 13 degrees on Saturday, so we could be seeing a bit of sunshine over the weekend leading into a warmer few days next week…. but today, tomorrow… up until Saturday its gonna be a cold one… some light showers in the South… In the north its gonna be quite windy for the remainder of the week….. So could be a week to stay inside and binge a few series… back to you Grace.'

  • Sting sound

  • Grace: 'So like I said earlier on, we are doing a HUGE giveaway… taking place for a chance to Jet Off to Orlando with 3 special guests by your side…. of your choice…
All you had to do was Text us on 3 3 3 0 0 saying ORLANDO in capitals and we'll call one of you to ask the winning question… lines close in 20 seconds so if you didn’t enter earlier on, get texting now…….. I'm jealous…… American Sunshine and beaches….. sign me up…..
Get that text in now!...  in 3… 2… 1…. lines are now closed guys, The Lines Are Closed….
Lets see who our lucky winner is - We have John in Great Yarmouth on the line…. John, how are you feeling… are you confident ???'

  • George: 'Hi Grace, yea this is one of my favourite songs so im feeling super super super super super super super super great about it…'

  • Grace: 'Okay, that’s fantastic… lets hear a take on the song'
(song section plays and cuts before last lyric)
'So John, can you tell me what is sung just after the song cuts off?'
(He replies the correct answer)

  • George: 'I'm feeling smashing Grace, just smashing'

  • Grace: 'awwww, well there you go guys… John from Great Yarmouth is off to Orlando… don’t forget that you have the chance on the first Monday of every month… so keep listening… and scratch up on your songs….

  • Sting sound

  • Grace: 'next up we have some Jess Glynne for you all….. Thursday…'

  • Track starts playing

Thursday 31 January 2019

JB 2016 Interview Evaluation

What was the task you were assigned?

- Our task was to plan and produce a custom interview starring the 'Producer' and 'Marketing Manager' of Jungle Book 2016. The Video should've included questions and answers given by the 'interviewer' and answered by each interviewee.

What programme did you use to complete your task? 
- To edit and finish the task, we used Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects.

What tools/effect did you use from your programme to create your task?
-To blend the Film trailer with our camera scenes, we inserted both an audio fade and video fade to produce a smooth transition. We also used Ultra Key to remove the green screen background and replace it with our custom made interview background (made on photoshop). 

What were the biggest obstacles to completing your task?
- To complete the task, we had to create a script and agree together on what to question and answer. Another obstacle was filming the actual shots in the 'green-room'. This meant correct positioning and lighting for perfect results.

Did you complete the task on time? If not, why not?

How do you think this task will help with your Jungle Book revision?

What do you think you could have improved in terms of content and presentation? 

What was your initial feedback? What did others say about your production?

Identify what went well and with hindsight what would you do differently?

Jungle Book 2016 Interview

Thursday 17 January 2019

Jungle Book Google slides

OCR Jungle Book fact sheet


Key facts about Disney:

- $150 billion business
- 22 Oscar Awards and 59 nominations
- First theme park 1955
- 2018 (current) 6 parks/resorts operating around the world
- 2nd largest organisation to purchase US explosives (after military)
- Ownership: Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm, ABC television, ESPN...

Disney produce an average of 10 films per year.
The 2019 Disney products (as planned):

- Dumbo
- Captain Marvel
- Avengers: End Game
- Aladdin
- Toy Story 4
- Lion King
- Artemis Fowl
- Frozen 2
- Star Wars Episode 9
- Lady and the Tramp

Synergy - The interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.

Disney Synergy - The combined result of different distribution factors put in place by Disney to promote a certain film.

Paul Gilroy Theory

Paul Gilroy's Representation theory (post colonialism) is the idea that colonialism from the 1500s-1900s still exists/is present in the ...