Thursday 4 April 2019

Advertising Influences Essay

Analyse how social and cultural contexts can influence advertising. Use Fig 3 to support your answer.
In your answer you must:
  • Analyse how social and cultural contexts influence advertising.
  • Make judgements and reach a conclusion on why they advertised in this 
  • way.
  • Media, Language, Representation

Each one of these print adverts feature a closeup shot of a person (character) most likely suffering housing problems or even losing their home. The Advert reaches to both male and female by featuring both men and women on the prints. Each one of the actors display fatigue and concern, as their skin is a pale white with darkened bags under their eyes (cold). The font used is BOLD and covers most of the actor's face. Although the text is a blood red colour, it is partially transparent allowing for facial details such as wrinkles and blemishes to still be visible. This also portrays blood and fills the majority of the actor's eyes with red… symbolizing bloodshot eyes.
These are all foundation factors to current problems within society such as anxiety, depression, sleep deprivation and homelessness. Many companies, especially those surrounding these subjects, have chosen to incorporate major problems like these as violence and real life issues attract the attention of younger/middle age audience. Since TV has broadcasted scenes such as; live conflict, homelessness around the world and abuse etc… advertising has gradually followed along and used similar emotions to get their message out effectively.
However in some cases, advertisement companies use worse case scenarios with risks such as healthcare or… homelessness. This is a technique to persuade audiences to look into the company or what they offer in more detail.
Another way that social/cultural contexts influence advertising is by inserting popular trends or stories at the time, so that when someone was to browse the internet or social media for something on a related topic, they would most likely come across the Ad. Yet again society problems are a big topic currently. Recent advertisements may have used political figures or current celebrities within their 'print' or trailer to draw in customers or drip feed younger generations. This could further lead to a wider range of audience due to 'word of mouth' about an unordinary or even comical advert featuring the Prime Minister.
Adverts have a duty today like all other forms of media to try and include all types of ethnicity, gender and culture. The Shelter adverts have catered for both genders and involved different cultural backgrounds to emphasise that this kind of problem can occur in any household and effect Anyone.
Shelter's main message is that whether you are rich or poor, old or young, English or foreign, anybody can be a sudden victim of financial and housing problems. However this can be avoided and rectified if consulted with 'Shelter' early on.

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