Wednesday 18 September 2019

Paper 1 Section 1

Paper 1

Section 1 - News

Q1. Representation, 2 unseen texts, apply a Representation theory.
   (Hall, Gauntlett, Bell Hooks, Butler, Van Zoonen, Gilroy.)

Q2. Media Language on same unseen texts. (LAYOUT, colours, pictures, font, size etc...)

Q3. Audience - GUARDIAN and DAILY MAIL. (online, examples of articles etc...)

Q4. Theory. "Evaluate the usefulness of......theory". Guardian and Daily Mail (and others).


- Class
- Ethnicity
- Religion
- Gender
- Political Views
- Audience
- Patriotism

(Point): The Mirror chooses to represent the cultural issue of gender through the choice of image on the front page. It depicts Theresa May, the female PM on the day of the 2017 General Election.

(Evidence): The Tabloid has printed a full colour, low angle closeup which bleeds to the edge of the page.

(Explain): The low angle shot has subverted the usual convention of tabloid imagery. Hall's theory suggests that the 'code' of low angle shot would empower the subject (Theresa May). However, this photograph undermines her authority, making her look unattractive, flawed and ridiculous. The representation of May as a female here also subverts Hall's theory of representation, as she does not fit the generic stereotype of the 'attractive' woman. Hall's theory is more in evidence in the Daily Mail (surprisingly) as she is looking repectable, open and positive.

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Paul Gilroy Theory

Paul Gilroy's Representation theory (post colonialism) is the idea that colonialism from the 1500s-1900s still exists/is present in the ...