Friday 28 September 2018


Screen time
Order of Narrative
Special Effects


Diegetic/non Diegetic
On screen/off Screen
Voice over

Emaze Presentation

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On this Emaze project, I incorporated C.L.A.M.P.S to analyse these poster prints.


Claude Levi Strauss (French anthropologist)
Image result for claude levi strauss

Binary Opposition theory:

Binary opposites help to thicken the plot and further the narrative/bring contrast. For example, in a superhero film this would be 'good' vs 'evil'. A problem with binary opposites is that they may sometimes perpetuate negative stereotypes. For example, if the binary opposite was 'man' vs 'woman', the man may be portrayed to be 'strong' whereas the woman is the 'damsel in distress'. It is important to see how these stereotypes have changed in media forms over time.

In structuralism, binary opposition is thought to be the fundamental organizer of human philosophy, language and culture.

However, critics have suggested that everything has a 'medium'
alongside an opposite. For example:
-For rich and poor, there is Middle Class.
-For gay and straight, there is Bisexual.

Monday 24 September 2018

Boyz N' the Hood analysis

Mise En Scene:

C- 80s/90s youth clothing. However no brands.
L- Most lighting is natural outdoor lighting. Lighting in school is also white. (neutral so far)
A- Majority of screen time actors are children. Adults are involved also (Teacher and parent).
M- There is no apparent makeup on scene.
P- The Cane used in school represents authority/racism over children. The 'stop' sign in the first shot of the film represents the inside message towards racism.
S- An American street/hood. Black community. Poorly treated roads and un-interesting classroom.


M- 80s synth sounds, however for the most there is no music.
C- Moments in the clip contain parallel music.
D- Both Diegetic and non diegetic. E.g. gunshots
V- There is only a voice-over at the beginning (talking and shouting over opening title).
E- There is subliminal anger/tension.
D- There is dialogue in every scene. This is mostly conversations between characters.


S- The children characters have the most screen time. (walking to school, alley scene, school)
T- All transitions are realistic. No dissolves or fades etc...
O- The order of story and narrative is chronological.
P- So far, all scenes are at a normal regular pace. (No tension)
S- Gunshot sounds can be heard in the alley scene.



Thursday 20 September 2018

Practice editing on Premiere Pro


This is practice footage made on Premiere Pro. The video is made up of certain clips accompanied by music (Grand Master Flash).
I have inserted text at the beginning and middle of the clip, and visual effects too. These visual effects consist of vertical and horizontal mirroring.

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Semiotics: Posters

Image result for stranger things poster            Denotations:

- Moonlit sky
- Police officer
- 3 boys on bikes
- Worried boy
- Character with baseball bat
- Illuminated figure
- Restricted fencing/area
- Blue and Red tones


- Thriller/adventure
- Sci-fi
- Possible conflict
- Good and Evil
- Youth working with Adults

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Key Words

      Vocabulary and Abbreviations

. Hybrid - The combination of two genres (e.g. Rom-Com and Action).
. Semiotics - A way of understanding any Media Text (meaning behind a picture)
. Denotation - What we see when we look at an image.
. Connotation - What you take/understand from the image.

Steve Neale

       Steve Neale

. Steve Neale stated that genres may be dominated by repetition, but are also marked by difference, variation and change.

Friday 7 September 2018

Intro to A level Media

L- (One shot camera movements) (Classic music from 1978/creepy) (Orange and dark colour grading) (Kids in background to make the killer seem out of place) (Halloween themed costumes) (Horror/gore makeup)

I- Film production/Hollywood. Halloween film franchise. Michael Myers mask.

A- Targeting older age groups (18 plus). 

R- No class or particular ethnicity involved. Battle between genders as the killer is male but the majority of victims in trailer are female. Majority of significant characters are adult. 
Trailer expresses intense mood (Thriller). Set in Haddonfield, Illinois (original 1978 location). Message= Killer is back. Protagonist aims to finish off the killer...


Media Forms:           L- language                                Top 3 forms and Texts:             
- Television               I- industry                                       - Netflix (Mind hunter)           
- Games                    A- audience                                     -
- Newspaper             R- representation
- Magazine
- Film
- Internet


Image result for film postersSummer task 1.

Blade Runner 2049 poster-

This poster clearly represents the two main characters and
their status role in the film (good/bad). The poster is split
into two different colours to symbolizing possible teams.      Each character is also holding a pistol, suggesting that there will be rivalry in the film. Placing the 4 characters in the center of the poster confirms that these are the 4 important characters of the film. The text font used is a futuristic style to represent the time period. 


Summer task 2.

Deutschland 83 Trailer Analysis -

The camera movements incorporated in this trailer are quickly paced and change a lot. The majority of shots are either close ups, medium shots or long shots of the main character shown. Alongside this the music composed also has a fast tempo, contributing to the increase in action throughout the trailer.
Props such as handguns, briefcases and balaclavas suggest that the series involves possible spy action and conflict. German uniforms can also be seen worn by the main character and background characters to set the time period.
The majority of the trailer is narrated by Ronald Reagan's informing speech. At 34 seconds in, the shot cuts to a TV broadcasting of Reagan giving his speech. The director has done this to confirm the time period of the series.


Summer task 3.
Image result for trump newspaper cover

Representation -

This is a negative representation towards Trump. It conveys him as a clown with face paint and a red nose, telling people the opposite message to what he wanted. The 'DAILY NEWS' has configured a story about Trumps actions in GOP ring into an iconic front cover. This cover is negative as it creates a false ego for trump around the world, and gives him jester like qualities. (It persuades to world to take Trump less seriously.)


Summer task 4.

Who is the big six? -

The big six refers to the 6 main film producing companies based around the world (Universal, Warner Bros, 20th Century Fox, Paramount, Sony pictures/Columbia and Disney Studios).
However the 'Big Six' may soon become the 'Big Five' as Disney plans on buying 20th Century fox to form a partnership or one joint company.
The 'Big Six' currently hold 80-85% of the US and Canadian box office revenues.

                       Largest production for each company 2017/18

Warner Bros: Wonder Woman 2017
                      Cast- Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Robin Wright.
                      Budget/Box office- $120 million / $821 million

Universal: Jurassic World 2 - 2018
                     Cast- Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Jeff Goldblum.
                     Budget/Box office- $120 million / $710 million

Paramount: Mission Impossible Fallout 2018
                     Cast- Tom Cruise, Henry Cavill, Rebecca Ferguson.
                     Budget/Box office- $178 million / $726 million

20th Century Fox: Deadpool 2 - 2018
                     Cast- Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin, Zazie Beetz.
                     Budget/Box office- $110 million / $734.2 million

Sony/Columbia: Jumanji 2017
                     Cast- Dwayne Johnson, Karen Gillan, Kevin Hart.
                     Budget/Box office- $90 million / $404 million

Disney: Black Panther 2018
                     Cast- Chadwick Boseman, Michael B Jordan, Lupita Nyong'O.
                     Budget/Box office- $200 million / $1.34 billion

Paul Gilroy Theory

Paul Gilroy's Representation theory (post colonialism) is the idea that colonialism from the 1500s-1900s still exists/is present in the ...