Wednesday 18 September 2019

Paper 1 Section 1

Paper 1

Section 1 - News

Q1. Representation, 2 unseen texts, apply a Representation theory.
   (Hall, Gauntlett, Bell Hooks, Butler, Van Zoonen, Gilroy.)

Q2. Media Language on same unseen texts. (LAYOUT, colours, pictures, font, size etc...)

Q3. Audience - GUARDIAN and DAILY MAIL. (online, examples of articles etc...)

Q4. Theory. "Evaluate the usefulness of......theory". Guardian and Daily Mail (and others).


- Class
- Ethnicity
- Religion
- Gender
- Political Views
- Audience
- Patriotism

(Point): The Mirror chooses to represent the cultural issue of gender through the choice of image on the front page. It depicts Theresa May, the female PM on the day of the 2017 General Election.

(Evidence): The Tabloid has printed a full colour, low angle closeup which bleeds to the edge of the page.

(Explain): The low angle shot has subverted the usual convention of tabloid imagery. Hall's theory suggests that the 'code' of low angle shot would empower the subject (Theresa May). However, this photograph undermines her authority, making her look unattractive, flawed and ridiculous. The representation of May as a female here also subverts Hall's theory of representation, as she does not fit the generic stereotype of the 'attractive' woman. Hall's theory is more in evidence in the Daily Mail (surprisingly) as she is looking repectable, open and positive.

Monday 9 September 2019

Big News and Current Events

After resigning in 2016, David Cameron no longer possessed the title of Prime Minister.
Teresa May took over as PM from Cameron up until June 2019, when Boris Johnson (current PM) was elected for the role.
Furthermore, Jeremy Corbyn has successfully fought to the top of politics by running a disciplined Labour Party and campaigning against the not so unskilled Teresa May and Conservatives. Corbyn has also been voted for by the majority of Youth partakers across the country.

Royal Family:
The most important royal news (apparently) was the Queen's 90th birthday April 21st 2016. Surrounding this have been 2 major weddings: William and Kate then Harry and Meghan. Since the 2 weddings, both couples have had a total of 4 children who have all been the centre of attention in royal media.

There have been various shocking acts of terror and hatred both inside and out of the UK.
Westminster Bridge Attack - 22nd March 2017 / 52-year-old Khalid Masood Drove into pedestrians.
London Bridge Attack - 3rd June 2017 / Terrorist vehicle rammed into pedestrians... stabbings also.
Finsbury Park Mosque - 19th June 2017 / Van driven into pedestrians... 1 death and 9 casualties.
Manchester Arena - 22nd May 2017 / Suicide bomb attack at Ariana Grande concert. 800 casualties.
Jo Cox Murder - 16th June 2016 / Stabbed and shot multiple times in Birstall. (Labour Party member)

Syrian War - Has been active for 7 years (15th march 2011). Since then, more than half of the Syrian population have been forced to flee their homes, majority ending up in neighbouring countries like Turkey. Due to this, most Syrian children are missing out on any form of Education.
The war has lasted longer than WW2.
The conflict arose due to complications and opposition between the Syrian Arab Republic led by President Bashar Al-Assad and internal/external foreign forces against the government.

UK Issues:
Grenfell More than 200 firefighters and 40 fire engines responded to the fire at the 24-storey block in North Kensington, after it was reported at 00:54 BST (23:54 GMT 14th June 2017).
Upraw was created by the government's lack of money and funding towards proper safeguarding and repair for the victims... and other similar properties. Large protests and related scandals arose.
NHS - Multiple strikes and protests have occurred since the early 2000's due to lack of pay rise and treatment towards the NHS foundation. Incidents and scandals surrounding the mistreatment of patients and quality of service by the NHS have caused pressure and financial stress within the hospital industry.
BREXIT - Since 2016, the Brexit vote has caused Extreme anger across the UK and its residents. The deal was aimed to separate the United Kingdom from the European Union with a successful deal. Since the vote, two Prime ministers have endured the pressure of a term in Downing Street. Boris Johnson is currently undergoing attempts to delay the finalisation yet again.
Trump visit/election - The news has also spent a fair amount of months focused on President Trump and his new found relationship with UK Prime ministers. The famous Trump visit (2nd time) early 2019 caused protest and took over more important stories within the media.
Immigration -
Stabbings/attacks - In 2017/2018, the number of Stabbings/acid and armed attacks in London and close areas rose exceptionally. More than 24 victims/youths had their lives taken, normally as a result or link to postcode wars. The increase of 22% in knife crime has caused protests and schemes set up to try and make changes.

Paul Gilroy Theory

Paul Gilroy's Representation theory (post colonialism) is the idea that colonialism from the 1500s-1900s still exists/is present in the ...