Friday 21 June 2019

Daily Mail and The Guardian

Daily Mail:
- 2 articles displayed on front cover.
- 2 Images for main article and small sub-article.
- Extra large Headline in the centre.

The Guardian:
- 5 articles displayed on front cover.
- Same amount of images but much smaller.
- Small Headline.
- Stories positioned all around the border of front page.

NewsPaper Questions

Who owns the papers?
Circulation figures for the print version of this newspaper? 
What are the browsing figures for the online version of this newspaper? 
In what ways does the website try to mimic the print edition of the newspaper? 
Who advertises in the print edition of this newspaper? 
Who advertises on the online site of this newspaper?
ONLINE NEWS: OBS or screen record on your phone today’s Daily Mail and Guardian (worth noting the time of day as it will look quite different that evening) type up or voiceover your findings. Upload onto youtube. Look at home page, links, images chosen, main articles, choice. Any interesting representations? Any interesting audience contributions to the articles? Scroll down to see how the Guardian is asking for contributions. 
Then go onto their social media (you may have to use your phones for these) – what articles have they chosen? What is the most popular topic today? How do the audience contribute in their comments.
For revision you will need to compare print and online editions and you shall note why you think there are differences between the print and online editions of the newspapers. How much is due to the technology itself.

Paul Gilroy Theory

Paul Gilroy's Representation theory (post colonialism) is the idea that colonialism from the 1500s-1900s still exists/is present in the ...