Friday 3 May 2019

Music Video Essay

   “Music videos reflect the social and cultural context in which they were made”.
Discuss this statement through a comparison of the two music videos you have studied. One music video from list A (CBR) and one from list B (DG).

Both Titanium (David Guetta) and Stop Where you are (Corinne Bailey Rae) contain references to the cultural context that they are set within. However the two videos have different social aspects and focus on them by incorporating a variety of examples from the time period. The Music Video for 'Titanium' centres around a young boy with super-powers attempting to subvert the law enforcement for his own safety. The audience is able to tell that the setting for this video is mid 1980's due to props, clothing and scenery put to use (Mise En Scene). Strong examples for props representing this are; corded telephones, vintage police vehicles/uniforms, retro television set, stereotypical 80's American clothing… etc. The video also denotates old gender roles and possible child deprivation that would have been an existing problem for adolescence in the 1980's. This is portrayed by the lack of parents, furniture mess and Television still playing at the boys home (living on his own). Another example of how unequal gender roles in the 1980's are represented is the fact that Police and Swat in the story are all Male figures, but the school teacher is a 'helpless' female.
On the other hand, 'Stop Where You Are' depicts the story of not one person, but multiple figures within society during 2016. Theme's represented are; Judgement, stereotypes vs reality and appearances…
The video reflects homelessness and class with the collaboration of camera angles and props. A good scene to convey this is when a 'city business man' strolls past a homeless woman sat miserably on the concrete floor pleading at him for some change. Throughout this scene, the camera angle is high up so to look down upon the homeless woman. This also allows for her to be cast by the shadow and silhouette of the business man as he walks past. The aim of this camera shot is to represent how Homeless people are frowned upon and ignored by higher 'classes' in society. However, soon after this, a similar shot appears of the homeless woman, but the camera angle is at a lower height in line with the woman's shoulders. Her figure is no longer in the shadows, as the businessman appears again from out of shot to offer her a coffee and sit with her to chat. Corinne Bailey Rae has done this to represent what should be happening throughout society rather than what normally happens. The video portrays the 'Wide variety' of cultures that exist today but including different genders, ethnicities and clothing styles amongst the characters. 

Paul Gilroy Theory

Paul Gilroy's Representation theory (post colonialism) is the idea that colonialism from the 1500s-1900s still exists/is present in the ...